Make It Rain Like A Hundredaire – Budgeting Your Fall Gaming Purchases

It is quite possibly the best and worst time of year for gamers.  You want Halo 4 on November 6 but Black Ops 2 comes out on November 13.  You might want to get Madden 13 in a couple weeks but maybe you also want to get Borderlands 2 in September.  Maybe you are even considering a purchase of Medal of Honor: Warfighter – which will throw you for a loop in October as Assassin’s Creed 3 is coming on on the 30th!

It isn’t easy to be a hundredaire – but we know what it’s like to celebrate the purchase of a new game when we can afford it.

Every game you want is coming out within weeks of each other game you want and you just don’t have the money to pour into your passion.  It is one of the sad truths for people that live like real people that pay bills and make decisions every day that will effect their comfort in life.  Gaming is an expensive passion and we are going to help you make the best decisions possible.  Even if that means putting one or all of your games on a Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Festivus/etc. List – you need to make decisions that give you the best possible outcome as a gamer and (more importantly) a fiscally responsible person.

The first step is to get a writing utensil and a piece of paper… NTTV will help you with the rest.

The Quick Decision – Pick What You Love

What is your favorite game?  If you can answer that without a second thought and that game has a sequel or continuation – that could be your answer.  If you can’t pick a single favorite game – use the process below.

Step One – What Is Your Budget?

If your budget is less than $65 – DO NOT BUY A NEW VIDEO GAME!

$65 = 1 Game

$130 = 2 Games…

Bottom Line – You know what you can afford and what you can’t afford.  Get that number and stick to it.

Step Two – Which Genre (Type) of Games Do You Prefer?

First Person Shooters, Sports, Action/Adventure, Role Playing Games, etc? – Make a prioritized list of which genres are your favorite (rank them from #1 – #8 if you have that many).  If you like a little bit of everything equally (like me) then you really can’t rank them, but you should try)  We have categorized some of the most popular upcoming releases for your convenience.  If you feel a game is missing – let us know!

Step Three – Do Prefer Online or Offline Gaming?

This is becoming a more gray area as games are becoming more and more integrated with online interactions and downloads.  There are many games out there that some people simply prefer to play on their own.  Are you a Team Deathmatch gamer on Call of Duty or are you an agile assassin that prefers to kill at your own leisure in Assassin’s Creed?

For me, it really depends on the game.  I don’t enjoy sports games in the online competitive sense, but I love shooter games like Call of Duty, Battlefield and Halo.  (No one said this is an easy process)

Games With Online Focus

This includes games that primarily revolve around getting online and playing against other people as the main function

Games With Offline Focus –

This includes games that primarily center on you and playing the game for the campaign, season and especially the story.

Games With A Strong Mix of Offline and Online

This includes games that tend to be evenly played and supported for single player and multiplayer experiences.  This is open to opinion in some cases (sports games especially).

Step 4 – Prioritizing

Pick the game you want the most.  This is the hardest part you wanted to avoid earlier – now there is nowhere to run or hide.  The best way to answer this question is to put yourself in the position of having only enough money for one game.You have to walk out of the store with one game you have decided to purchase.  Everything else will have to wait for the next paycheck or holiday.

Step 5 – Enjoy What You Have

Regular people that have to budget and make decisions for and against certain purchases need to remember that the most important thing is to be happy with the things you have.  Which game are you picking?  Stick with your decision, be confident and forget what the reviewers grade it on a scale of 1-10 or 1-100… Do you enjoy your gaming?… Hopefully you can answer yes and this strategy will work for you again.

*Although I have put NoobTubeTV together on my own and can currently invest time and money into all my gaming and the few games I make tutorials for – I have to make these same decisions as well.

With that said…

Which games would you like to see NoobTubeTV feature in the coming months?  If you want us to feature a game that we haven’t mentioned please feel free to donate to the cause as it isn’t easy to buy every game we want – even if it is our passion.
Happy Gaming!